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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yawn - Las Vegas

Only in Las Vegas can you see the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramid and the Empire State Building in just a few short minutes. Forget long plane rides, pesky government agencies and getting those passports. Simply travel to the lights in the desert and viola, you can see the world.

You might see a few things you didn’t count on though. Like huge billboards of things you might feel you could have gone one living without seeing. All in all despite the faux world wonders and the explicit signage, for our family Las Vegas proved to be largely and brightly lit yawn. There was not much we found there that drew us to stay. We had a hard time even finding a cheap buffet, so we headed to Fazolis where kids eat free on weekends. Now that was something to cheer about!

We did have a nice time at the Church of South Las Vegas. We must have went to an extension campus because it was in Henderson, Nevada! Anyway they had a pretty good children's ministry and a great sermon. Our kids are getting used to just going into every church without a fuss, talking to the teachers like they were old friends!

Overall though, our time in Vegas was pretty forgettable.

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